Thursday, December 13, 2018

Beautiful Wooden Pallets Corner Shelf

Bedroom : Beautiful Wooden Pallets Corner Shelf

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Why choose a bathtub instead of a shower in your bathroom?

Why choose a bathtub instead of a shower in your bathroom?
It can easily replace your current bathtub to offer you all the
comfort of a spacious and modern water room.
After a hard day's work, nothing beats a relaxing bath in a good bathtub to rejuvenate. However, many people opt for a shower in their bathroom, instead of a bathtub deemed too expensive economically speaking, especially in terms of water and energy consumption. In fact, a bathtub has disadvantages but also advantages. Between a bathtub or door and a shower your heart scales? Do you want to know if you are making the right choice by buying and installing a bathtub? Here are some elements of answers to your questions.

The bathtub is not economical and has significant disadvantages

In addition to the economic disadvantages caused by a bathtub with a hoof, for example, quoted higher, the main disadvantage of a bathtub in a bathroom remains the problem of taking space. Compared to a simple shower, a bathtub takes up a lot of room in a bathroom, it is downright imposing. These two main reasons push several households to opt for an Italian shower or a balnéothérapeutique shower instead of choosing a bathtub. Some households even choose to replace their bathtubs with showers by doing renovation work in their bathroom and feel that a shower is more convenient than a bathtub.

A bathtub still has some interesting advantages

A bathtub with a hoof for example is synonymous with relaxation and pleasure. Indeed, it ensures a pleasant comfort to the one who uses it after a hard day of toil. It can be seen as cumbersome but gives a certain charm to the decoration of a bathroom. Everyone takes the picture of a bath in love in a bathtub because it brings the image of comfort as well as a very warm atmosphere.

Bathtub with hoof, door or other, the bathtub is still an element present in several bathrooms of our contemporaries. Whether you choose to take a shower or take a bath, the essential thing is that you are well in your skin in your bathroom.

How to remove bad odors from the bathroom?

How to remove bad odors from the bathroom?
Bad odors in the bathroom are often a source of shame.
Modern homes are equipped with a ventilation system that keeps healthy air all over the habitat. Older homes do not have this kind of system and the question, in this case, is what is the best way to fight bad odors and moisture in the bathroom and toilets. A possible solution is to open the windows, but this can generate a significant loss of heat depending on the seasons and an additional energy consumption. Another solution is to use deodorizers, but these do not solve the problem of moisture. The solution proposed here is to install a bathroom fan.

Help! Dad just used the bathroom.
Because we are simply human, when we use the toilet or the bathroom, we sometimes leave bad smells behind us. Maybe you don't notice it, but it might disturb the people who use the bathroom after you. This is why it is important to remove odours as quickly as possible and thus avoid some discomfort for other occupants or visitors.

The bathroom fan
Fans specially designed for bathrooms and toilets can handle this problem. These fans generally measure 15 x 15 cm and can be installed in the wall or ceiling. They usually have a circular opening at the back to which a rigid or flexible conduit can be attached.
When the air duct is on an external wall, its end ends with a plate with small fins (such as louvers). The escaping air (pushed by the fan) pushes the fins that remain open. When the fan does not work, the fins fall back and prevent rain or wind from entering. With a duct overlooking the roof, a special ventilation tile is used.

A simple solution
The easiest solution is to connect the fan to the room lighting. The fan turns on when the light is on and stops when the light is off. The main defect of this solution is that odours or moisture may not be completely removed when the occupant leaves the room.

A better solution
There are also fans with a built-in timing system. These fans start when the light is on and continue to operate for about two minutes after the light is extinguished to remove any residual odor.

The ultimate Solution
Other solutions are available if the house is equipped with a home automation system. For example, you can choose whether the fan starts or not when the light is on. You can read your diary in the bathroom in peace of mind. The operating time can also be set by software.

For example, the fan that is in the bathroom can start automatically when someone stays in the room for more than 5 or 10 minutes. A prolonged presence increases the chances of the shower or bathtub being used. The moist air will then be extracted from the room and the bathroom mirror will not be fogged. Of course you can also use a humidity sensor to control the operation of the fan. Say stop to damp walls and bad smells: your children will thank you.
Bathroom Fan
Example of a bathroom fan

Polished concrete kitchen countertops

Polished concrete kitchen countertops
Kitchen work surface must be dry or have with a dry holder under it.
The top concrete kitchens are back powerfully in fashion and present themselves, today, with a range of styles and colors that can be adapted to any environment.

In fact, the cement has always been considered a poor material and a somewhat crude aspect that, at best, could only fit well to some industrial design environment.
Today, however, cement can be colored and treated to achieve effects that no other material can guarantee.

Here, the advantage of the concrete tops compared to those in other materials is that, if made to the rule of art, they can guarantee the beauty and durability of the granite with a weight and a lower cost. It can therefore be considered a material that satisfies the most varied needs, even aesthetic, at a relatively low cost. and If the DIY is your passion know that there are in the trade of pre-mixed cements made especially for the kitchen and that, following the instructions carefully, can guarantee you a resistant plan, original and unique, Done with your hands.

Of course, you have to be aware that the work to be done is so much because it is not simply to cut and smooth a slab of granite, but to create "from nothing" the work surface; To do this you need to start from accurate measurements, from the preparation of the shape that will contain the cement to finish with the sanding and polishing.

conclusions and advice

The top concrete kitchens have pros and cons as well as all the other materials.

The most significant defects of the cement are the high absorbency (if not adequately treated) and consequently a minor hygiene. And in the kitchen hygiene is an important thing.
Another drawback is that preparing a concrete top is a long process and also quite strenuous.
Even relying on DIY do not forget you can do everything yourself, if only for the high weight of a slab of concrete that needs, to be moved, the aid of at least one other person (better than two).

The advantages are those of being able to have a truly unique plan and that you can achieve with your hands, starting from scratch, at a cost more content than a granite top. The cement also finds applications outside of the home environment and if you have a store or a bar you might seriously consider a concrete counter.

The Council, before relying on DIY for such a demanding job, is to do tests and test the results obtained with smaller projects. You could, for example, start by creating the seat for a bench, the plane of a low table, and only after trying to face also the creation of a concrete kitchen floor.

Friday, January 26, 2018

How to clean the bathroom tiles?

How to clean the bathroom tiles?
Cleaning the bathroom tiles can move to the second level.
How to clean your bathroom so that it is shiny as on the first day? Our advice for an impeccable mirror, a descaled bathtub, a shining washbasin, healthy pipes and a perfect tile.

to clean his bathroom, we begin by descaling the bathtub
Traces in a bathtub, it's always dirty. To remove these limestone trails, do not use a toilet product or excessively aggressive products. Prefer Natural products!
Pour coarse salt into the stained areas and sprinkle with boiling alcohol vinegar. If necessary, renew the operation.

remove traces of anti-slip adhesive
You had stuck in your shower an anti-slip to not slip into your bathtub or shower. But it has worn out and taken off... leaving ugly traces.
Don't panic: First ventilate your bathroom, put on gloves or even glasses. With a brush, pass a stripper based on methylene chloride in a thick layer. Allow a few minutes and then scrape gently with a spatula. Finish with a sponge and an abundant rinse.

How to clean the bathroom tiles

cleaning His bathroom also passes through the tile joints
What a horrible thing to see his tile joints blacken! There is a solution to this scourge. After donning gloves, prepare one of the following mixtures: Water and lye Saint Marc, water and bleach, water and potash (a volume of potash for 2 to 3 volumes of water), water and muriatic acid. Using a hard brush (toothbrush type), rub your joints. Rinse thoroughly, as you are able.
And in the future, to prevent the joints from darkening, pass on a translucent varnish.

make Windows shine and mirrors for a clean bathroom
To clean your windows and mirrors, you can use a clean and moist microfiber mop, then make a second pass with microfiber glass. If the surface is dirty, add a few drops to the glass and wipe.
More natural, but also effective, pass hot vinegar with a cloth. The newsprint soaked with alcohol to burn is also very effective. If grease stains persist on your windows, rub a slice of onion in the greasy areas before washing.
For a simple dust removal, pass a special microfiber glass, wet or dry.

Clean Bathroom
Use the scrubbing brush to clean the walls of the shower and bathtub.
how to maintain an acrylic sink
To clean the washbasins or basins in Acryliq, use a sponge and a non-abrasive household cleaner. Rinse with water then wipe to avoid limestone marks. Never use scouring powders, turpentine or alcohol.
A scratch? Polish with a liquid polishing paste, after passing a very fine sandpaper to the water. Traces of metal will go away with a nylon brush and a household cleaner.

Cleaning the bathroom requires to care for the tile
The tile is cleaned with a sponge soaked in water and black soap or slightly bleach detergent. Don't forget to rinse. If the tile is heavily soiled, rub it with a brush moistened with bleach water.
The glass products give the white tiles their brightness.
Tile Maintenance will be made easier if you polish the tiled walls with silicon wax. The tiles will look satin and the stains will no longer penetrate. To do this, apply the wax on clean tiles with a cloth. Allow to dry for 2 or 3 hours and then pass a dry cloth to make it shine.

Clean up piping
If the water lines are clogged, use boiling water mixed with soda. If a pipe is clogged, slide a rubber hose into the drain hose. Connect it to a pump (e.g. pneumatic mattress pump), pump several times and the cap should leave.

Creating different spaces in a bathroom

Creating different spaces in a bathroom
Do you know the difference between a shower room and a bathroom?
The separation of different ambiences in a bathroom can greatly change and broaden the visual field. That's why we're thinking about giving you some tips on creating different spaces in a bathroom. One of the preferred solutions is to clearly distinguish the areas with different tiles. This will help us to break the monotony and in addition these kinds of facilities do not require a big investment or a long duration of work.

One of the ways of being able to diversify the spaces elegantly is to install a wall or wall between the shower or bathtub and the sanitary (basins, toilets and other Furniture). It's a very easy idea to do and you're going to have a little more visual field. Normally the coating of the shower area or bathtub is composed of non-skid tiles and which are also resistant to moisture. We can make a difference by installing ceramics, pennies or even marble in the area of the sanitary, so we will notice the contrast between the two spaces.
Modern Bathroom Worktop
Today we will see the most current trends in the
design of countertop washbasins for modern bathrooms
In the case of having a athroom smaller where not being able to divide spaces with a wall or wall, you can decorate the wall of the shower or bathtub with another type of Tile. The differentiation between the two spaces will take place thanks to the relief or the type of tiles used or also due to their color. In any case, the ultimate goal is to be able to clearly distinguish between the two zones.  For the wall of the shower or bathtub, we recommend using weaker or pleasant colors such as blue sky, light green, or even some tones in orange.

If our bathroom still keeps a more classic style, a little trick would be to change the wall tiling. In the case of having a mosaic on the floor, you may as well clean the joints of the tiles to renew its general appearance. We recommend that you put tiles in bright white with modern bathrooms. You can also combine your old floor with add-ons or furniture with details that are consistent with your old mosaic.

If you want to give a change that enjoys great notoriety and at the same time remains reasonable in terms of price and duration of work, we reveal a little secret that we have seen several times. Indeed, we found in luxury hotels, a kind of carpet made of tiles in bathtubs design. This kind of tile is prepared to be installed on the floor of showers or bathtubs and it does not need a lot of investment nor to undertake work knives. This, in addition, will help you a lot in the creating different spaces in a bathroom.

One of the most notable changes we can make in our bathroom is to combine black and white, being careful not to abuse the black, as this will diminish our visual field and light present. Normally the white part should be placed in the shower or bathtub and the black part must be reserved for washbasins and sanitary.

Here are our tips on creating different spaces in a bathroom. We thank you as always for the attention offered and we remind you that our customer service is at your disposal for any enquiries or other specific questions.

Lay out a living room in the basement

Lay out a living room in the basement
Design a basement layout for your new living space
When you have a basement in a detached house, it sometimes becomes useful to turn it into an extra room. For that, you will need to pay attention to three things when it is laid out: ventilation, heating and insulation.

Ventilation in a basement room

For ventilation, you must be careful that your basement air is renewed regularly. To do this, for example, you need to install or have a ventilation installed directly to a switch.
If your basement has vents to the outside, they are usually sufficient but you must check their status, they must be clear and clean to bring you looks good.

How to heat a room in the basement?

As a general rule, basement rooms are cooler, for example, you can install a convector to make the room temperature pleasant. With one or two devices depending on the area of ​​your basement, you will completely change the mood by adding a few degrees. This will also allow you to move from the ground floor to the basement without feeling a big difference in temperature.

How to insulate a living room in the basement?

Last very important point: insulation. In fact, you can install heating and ventilation, if the insulation is not efficient you will lose heat or freshness.
To do this, you have several possibilities, the first is external isolation. If your basement gives on the outside, at least in part, you can ask a coating which will prevent a energetic loss, this solution is particularly relevant if one integrates it during the strong> construction of the house, along with the rest of the insulation.
Alternatively, you can choose interior isolation. This system is equally powerful but requires the sacrifice of a few centimeters near each wall. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this option is self-fulfilling for those who want to play handymen and is often preferable during a renovation.
