Saturday, January 27, 2018

How to remove bad odors from the bathroom?

How to remove bad odors from the bathroom?
Bad odors in the bathroom are often a source of shame.
Modern homes are equipped with a ventilation system that keeps healthy air all over the habitat. Older homes do not have this kind of system and the question, in this case, is what is the best way to fight bad odors and moisture in the bathroom and toilets. A possible solution is to open the windows, but this can generate a significant loss of heat depending on the seasons and an additional energy consumption. Another solution is to use deodorizers, but these do not solve the problem of moisture. The solution proposed here is to install a bathroom fan.

Help! Dad just used the bathroom.
Because we are simply human, when we use the toilet or the bathroom, we sometimes leave bad smells behind us. Maybe you don't notice it, but it might disturb the people who use the bathroom after you. This is why it is important to remove odours as quickly as possible and thus avoid some discomfort for other occupants or visitors.

The bathroom fan
Fans specially designed for bathrooms and toilets can handle this problem. These fans generally measure 15 x 15 cm and can be installed in the wall or ceiling. They usually have a circular opening at the back to which a rigid or flexible conduit can be attached.
When the air duct is on an external wall, its end ends with a plate with small fins (such as louvers). The escaping air (pushed by the fan) pushes the fins that remain open. When the fan does not work, the fins fall back and prevent rain or wind from entering. With a duct overlooking the roof, a special ventilation tile is used.

A simple solution
The easiest solution is to connect the fan to the room lighting. The fan turns on when the light is on and stops when the light is off. The main defect of this solution is that odours or moisture may not be completely removed when the occupant leaves the room.

A better solution
There are also fans with a built-in timing system. These fans start when the light is on and continue to operate for about two minutes after the light is extinguished to remove any residual odor.

The ultimate Solution
Other solutions are available if the house is equipped with a home automation system. For example, you can choose whether the fan starts or not when the light is on. You can read your diary in the bathroom in peace of mind. The operating time can also be set by software.

For example, the fan that is in the bathroom can start automatically when someone stays in the room for more than 5 or 10 minutes. A prolonged presence increases the chances of the shower or bathtub being used. The moist air will then be extracted from the room and the bathroom mirror will not be fogged. Of course you can also use a humidity sensor to control the operation of the fan. Say stop to damp walls and bad smells: your children will thank you.
Bathroom Fan
Example of a bathroom fan


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