Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Paint Color Ideas For Basement

Paint Color Ideas For Basement
ideas about basement paint colors
You are remaking your basement and you have to choose the right colors to paint the walls. Since the basement is probably one of the darkest rooms in the house, choose the right colors to paint, it is very important. The color (s) you choose can determine whether your basement becomes the exciting hot room you are considering or the dark belly of the house.

When you sit down to choose the color you want your basement, you may want to think about these ways we respond to different colors:

Black usually represents darkness and despair and is often associated with death. The black color absorbs light and unless you want your basement to be depressing, black should be used sparingly.

Much the opposite of black, white reflects nearly 85% of the light. White tends to make rooms seem brighter and larger than rooms painted with other colors. Unfortunately, white walls are by far the most vulnerable to scratching and scoring.

The darker hues of red create a feeling of warmth. Red also acts to stimulate and energize so it can be a very exciting and dynamic color for a basement. The bright reds can counterbalance the neutral colors and add life and excitement to the room.

Orange has some of the same characteristics of red. The brightest of the room's brightest orange then becomes softer orange tends to make the room more warm and inviting.

Green can work on the red and orange balance. For a basement, a darker shade of green work the same in black. It's probably better to stay away from dark greens and and stay with the light shades.

Blue is said to calm the nervous system and can soften bright rooms. Just like green, if a very dark shade of blue is used, it is left with the same effect as black. The shades of lighter blue people feel peaceful and consoled.

Yellow is a fantastic color that is joyful and stimulating. Jaundice lighter work to make rooms feel larger, but if overused, it can be too stimulating. Yellow is best used in combination with another color.


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