Saturday, January 27, 2018

Polished concrete kitchen countertops

Polished concrete kitchen countertops
Kitchen work surface must be dry or have with a dry holder under it.
The top concrete kitchens are back powerfully in fashion and present themselves, today, with a range of styles and colors that can be adapted to any environment.

In fact, the cement has always been considered a poor material and a somewhat crude aspect that, at best, could only fit well to some industrial design environment.
Today, however, cement can be colored and treated to achieve effects that no other material can guarantee.

Here, the advantage of the concrete tops compared to those in other materials is that, if made to the rule of art, they can guarantee the beauty and durability of the granite with a weight and a lower cost. It can therefore be considered a material that satisfies the most varied needs, even aesthetic, at a relatively low cost. and If the DIY is your passion know that there are in the trade of pre-mixed cements made especially for the kitchen and that, following the instructions carefully, can guarantee you a resistant plan, original and unique, Done with your hands.

Of course, you have to be aware that the work to be done is so much because it is not simply to cut and smooth a slab of granite, but to create "from nothing" the work surface; To do this you need to start from accurate measurements, from the preparation of the shape that will contain the cement to finish with the sanding and polishing.

conclusions and advice

The top concrete kitchens have pros and cons as well as all the other materials.

The most significant defects of the cement are the high absorbency (if not adequately treated) and consequently a minor hygiene. And in the kitchen hygiene is an important thing.
Another drawback is that preparing a concrete top is a long process and also quite strenuous.
Even relying on DIY do not forget you can do everything yourself, if only for the high weight of a slab of concrete that needs, to be moved, the aid of at least one other person (better than two).

The advantages are those of being able to have a truly unique plan and that you can achieve with your hands, starting from scratch, at a cost more content than a granite top. The cement also finds applications outside of the home environment and if you have a store or a bar you might seriously consider a concrete counter.

The Council, before relying on DIY for such a demanding job, is to do tests and test the results obtained with smaller projects. You could, for example, start by creating the seat for a bench, the plane of a low table, and only after trying to face also the creation of a concrete kitchen floor.


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